RD3 Transport Projekt - Ostrava 2. - 4. july

Place: RD3 Transport Projekt - Ostrava
Datum: 2. - 4. july
Livestream: Ano

Bohužel pres veškerou snahu se nám nepodařilo s Centrem bezpečné jízdy LIBROS dohodnout schůdné podmínky pro obě zúčastněné strany a proto jsme nuceni závod, který se měl konat 2.-4.7.2021 zrušit. Ale nevzdáváme to a doufáme, že nalezneme společnou řec a někdy v budoucnu se na Libros vrátíme.

Team CDS


Unfortunately, despite all our efforts, we were unable to agree with the LIBROS Safe Driving Center on viable conditions for both parties involved, 
and therefore we are forced to cancel the race, which was to take place on 2-4 July 2021.
But we are not giving up and we hope to find a common language and return to Libros sometime in the future. Team CDS
Propositions for racers
Toalety a sprchy
Circle name: Ostrava
Adresa: Ostrava
Logged raceres - Transport Projekt Drift Challenge 2021 - Drift - PRO (0)
Logged raceres - Transport Projekt Drift Challenge 2021 - Drift - PRO2 (0)