RD4 Transport Projekt Drift Challenge - Gymkhana - Litvínov 21. july

Place: RD4 Transport Projekt Drift Challenge - Gymkhana - Litvínov
Datum: 21. july
Livestream: Ne
Vstupné: 100, - CZK / person, children under 12 free of charge

Allow me to invite you to another of the Drift Challenge 2018 series of Transport Projects and on 21.7.2018 already known space

Drift Car Arena - Litvinov.


An interesting track with a little surprise is waiting for you, which we managed to arrange for this race and you will surely enjoy it. The jury will be a two-member.

Applications at www.drifting.cz.


Registration ends on 20.7.2018 at 20 hrs. Registration is required in advance !!!

Propositions for racers
Startovné 1500,- kč
Pneuservis ANO 25,- kč/ks
Elektro po předchozí dohodě
Toalety ANO
Circle name: Drift Car Aréna
Adresa: Cesta do Kopist 1, Litvínov
GPS: 50.5524258N, 13.6197722E
Map: https://mapy.cz/zakladni?x=13.6197723&y=50.5524668&z=17&base=ophoto&source=addr&id=11180549&q=Cesta%20do%20Kopist%201%2C%20Litv%C3%ADnov%20
Track information - Driftchallenge - Gymkhana - PRO
Track information - Driftchallenge - Gymkhana - STREET