RD1 Transport Projekt - Sosnová 8. května

Place: RD1 Transport Projekt - Sosnová
Datum: 8. května
Livestream: Ano
Vstupné: Placený Livestream - 200,- kč
The first race of the 2021 season will be Sosnová on May 8, 2021 for the PRO and PRO2 categories.

The rider must pass the Technical Inspection 1.5.2021 in Prague - Radotín or report the individual technical inspection to the race director after a pre-arranged date with the Technical Commissioner, but no later than 4.5.2021.

The team must submit a list of their team, which is limited to 4 people + rider for one team.

All must undergo an antigen test on site and follow the epidemiological regulations issued for the plant.

After leaving the premises during the day, it will no longer be possible to return to the closed premises.

A debate will be held on the race. Each registered rider in the race will receive a link where it will be possible to watch the discussion online.

A limited number of registered riders is allowed for the race, namely 20 in the PRO and PRO 2 categories.
Time schedule


06:00 Otevření areálu / Opening Area
06:30 - 08:30 - Antigenní testování / Antigen testing
08:30 - 09:30 - Trénink PRO 2 /Training PRO 2
09:30 - 10:30 - Trénink PRO / Training PRO
10:30 - 11:30 - Kvalifikace PRO 2 / Qualification PRO 2
11:30 - 12:30 - Kvalifikace PRO / Qualification PRO
12:30 - 13:00 - přestávka / break
13:00 - 13:30 - Trénink Battle PRO 2 / Training Battle PRO 2
13:40 - 13:50 - Představení jezdců / Presentation drivers TOP 16 PRO 2
13:50 - 15:20 - TOP 16 PRO 2
15:30 - 16:00 - Trénink Battle PRO / Training Battle PRO
16:10 - 16:20 - Představení jezdců / Presentation drivers TOP 16 PRO
16:20 - 18:15 - TOP 16 PRO 2
18:30 Vyhlášení vítězů / Ceremony PRO 2 a PRO
Propositions for racers
Startovné 3.000,- kč / 120 EURO
Pneuservis NE / NO
Toalety ANO / YES
Circle name: Autodrom Sosnová
Adresa: Česká Lípa 200, 470 01 Sosnová
GPS: 50.658302N, 14.5380443E
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/yAAzyPT4NUE2
Track information - Transport Projekt Drift Challenge 2021 - Drift - PRO
Track information - Transport Projekt Drift Challenge 2021 - Drift - PRO2